Design for All Learners: A Panel Discussion on Accessibility and Inclusion in Learning

Join Sarah Mercier, editor of Design for All Learners: Create Accessible and Inclusive Learning Experiences, along with a panel of contributing experts, for an inspiring and thought-provoking conversation on designing learning experiences that are accessible to and inclusive of all people. In this webinar, panelists will discuss what “design for all” means for our work … Read more

xAPI Statement Constructor GPT

Note: This is a technical post. If you do not have a baseline understanding of xAPI, I recommend checking out Learn xAPI: xAPI Basics. Do you wish that you could write xAPI statements faster? Maybe you’re not a JSON pro and struggle to write or troubleshoot custom code to use in tools like Articulate Storyline? … Read more

Why We Are Sponsoring The Canadian eLearning Conference

When we consider sponsorships, we’re most interested in investing our time and money in something that is aligned with our values. So, when I learned that the folks at the Canadian eLearning Conference were including a full lineup of speakers in accessibility and inclusion for a targeted programming track, I asked to sponsor it.  Being … Read more

Old School Style(s)

If you design or develop learning content, chances are you’ve been asked to cater to different learning styles. The idea behind learning styles is that individuals have preferred ways of taking in and processing information, and that teaching and learning can be made more effective by considering these individual differences. This shows up in learning design … Read more

How to Add Closed Captions to Your Videos

Felix the cat video with caption that reads "Good work, Goldie. Keep it up!"

Goal: Add closed captions (CC) to a video without burning them in. This gives the user the ability to toggle CC on and off. What you’ll need: Descript, Handbrake, and your video in an .mp4 format. If you already have a caption file in an .srt format, skip down to the Embed captions in video … Read more

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